With support from Tom Garwood at ION Networks, Midas Structural Ltd are launching their new website. There have been some changes for us and so we thought a new website was a good way to highlight these changes.

We have welcomed two new team members, Joe Eames-Bayton – Operations Manager & Tracey Hallas-Brown – Office Manager. You’ve probably already spoken to them or at least heard from them, but welcome guys!
In the New Year, Heather Skipper – Accounts Manager – will be reducing her hours and role. We still have all your account needs taken care of, so please don’t fret. We hope you enjoy your free time, Heather!
Dave Brown & Justin Skipper continue to push Midas forward and ensure we are at the forefront of forecourt construction needs. Please feel free to contact us if you have a project you would like us to be part of…we love new challenges.
Lastly, thank you Tom (ION Networks) your support in designing the new website and getting us live has been invaluable and we look forward to working together in the future.